I'm sure the other mommy's reading my blog will understand what I say next. Her 2nd birthday is bittersweet. She's not a little baby anymore...no more midnight feedings, no more nursing, and soon, no more diapers. On the other hand, there are NO MORE midnight feedings and NO MORE diapers. YAY!! I know I won't have another baby, so I struggle not to try to keep her baby longer then she needs to be. But it's hard. I'm gonna blink my eyes again and she'll be going to kindergarten, then highschool and then off to college. Heaven forbid I fall asleep...when I wake up, she'll be married with her own little baby.
Anyhow, here are some pictures of my sweet little girl.
Happy Birthday Sydney...I love you more then words could ever say!
Happy birthday, sweet girl!
I know how you feel, mine turn three on the 21st. They grow up way too fast. But then again NO MORE DIAPERS!!!!!!
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