Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Name is Autism!

My Name is Autism
Written By: Omri Fiman/Marty Murphy

Hello. Allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is
autism. Perhaps you know me or know of me. I am a
condition, a "disorder" that affects many people. I
strike at will, when and where I want. Unlike Downs
Syndrome or other birth "defects", I leave no marks on
those I strike. In fact, I pride myself on the ability
to infiltrate a child's life, while leaving him or her
strikingly handsome. Many people may not even know I
am there. They blame the child for what I cause him
or her to do. I am autism and I do as I please.

I am autism. I strike boys and girls. infants and
toddlers. I find my best victims to be boys around the
age of 2, but any child will do. I like children and
they are always the true victims, though I take
hostage the others in the child's family as well. It
is a bit like getting 2 for the price of one. I affect
one child and "infect" the entire family.
I am autism. I strike rich and poor alike. The rich
combat me with education and therapy. The poor shut
their children away and cannot afford to fight me. I
am able to win in the lives of poor children more than
I am those of the wealthy, but I will try to take root

I am autism. I am an equal opportunity disorder. I
strike whites, blacks, Mexicans, Ukrainians, Russians,
Poles, Slavs, Japanese, Koreans and Fins. In fact, I
strike everywhere on Earth. I know no geographical

I am autism. I do not discriminate based upon religion
either. I strike Jews and Christians, Muslims and
Buddhists, Atheists and Agnostics. I do not care what
religion a person is or what beliefs he may hold. When
I strike, there will be little time for any of
that anyway. When they find me, they will question
everything they believe in, so why would I strike only
one group? I have affected followers of every religion
on the planet.

I am autism and I am strong and getting stronger every
year, every month, every day, every minute and every
second. I am concerned that money might be allotted to
combat me and my takeover of children, but so far, I
have little to fear. Some countries like Kuwait, are
spending quite a bit of money to assist those who I
have targeted and some, like the United States, would
rather spend money on such ludicrous things as
discovering the number of American Indians who
practice Voodoo, as opposed to combating me. In an
atmosphere such as that, I can flourish and wreck
havoc at will. In places such as that, I rub my hands
with glee at the problems I can cause to children,
their families and to the society at large.
I am autism. When I come, I come to stay. I take the
dreams and hopes of families and trample them with
delight. I see the fear and confusion in the eyes of
my victims and the see the formation of wrinkles, the
worries and pain on the face of their parents. I see
the embarrassment their child causes because of me and
the parents unsuccessful attempt to hide their child,
and me. I see tears the parents cry and feel the tears
of their child. I am autism. I leave sorrow in my

I am autism. I taketh away and give nothing but
bewilderment and loathing in return. I take speech and
learning. I take socialization and understanding. I
take away "common sense" and, if I am allowed to
flourish, I take away all but their physical life.
What I leave behind, is almost worse than death.

I am autism. I fear nothing except courage, which I
thankfully see little of. I fear those who take a
stand against me and attempt to fight me and bring
others into the fight as well. I fear those who try to
make it safe and easier for my victims in the
community, and their families. I fear those who push
ahead, despite the fact that I am in tow. I fear the
day I will be eradicated from the planet. Yet, I do
not fear too much right now. There is no need.

I am autism and I bet you know me or know of me. If
you don't, you probably will soon. I am marching
forward faster than I ever have before. I am looking
for new children all the time. I am looking for new
children to consume and new lives to destroy. I dread
the day I will be looked upon with pity or worse yet,
understanding, for that day, is the day I will begin
to die.

But in the mean time I am safe, free to prowl onward.
Free to cause the pain and suffering that I do so
well. I am on a mission and have much work to do and
thankfully no one is stopping me yet.

Hello. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is
autism. Perhaps you know me of know of me, if not
don't worry, you will meet me soon....

Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Omri Lior Hodiya Fiman. I am called, for
the most part, Mouse. I am 25 years old and I have
autism. I am able to hold down a job and able to work
a computer. I can also write rather well. One thing I
cannot do is speak well. With all but a few
exceptions, the words get stuck in my head and won't
come out. I have meltdowns frequently and often have
to wear a helmet to protect my head. I have 2
advocates that help me but there is much they cannot
do for me. There is so much I know that I need and yet
I have no idea where to start. What I do know is that
1 out of every 166 children has autism spectrum
disorder (statistics recently updated by the CDC).
If one out of every 166 children were born with
defected limbs or mental retardation, something would
be done. If one out of every 166 calves born in Texas
were born with defects, something would be done. If
one out of 166 people were dying from poison, the
product would be yanked from the market with great
fanfare. But, nothing is done about autism. I will
never live the kind of life other people will. I am
able to do some things other autistics cannot do. I am
not able to do some things others can. Unlike diabetes
or asthma (both also unseen to the naked eye), autism
effects each person very differently, but affect us
all it does. Autism has robbed me of many things I
wish I had. How much of the future of our society
has to be stolen before people will take autism
seriously. Those of us with autism would like an
answer. 5 years ago, one in 500 children had autism. 2
years ago it was 1 in 250. Today it is 1 in 166. The
clock is ticking. What statistic is the magic one?
What number will bring the world to its senses? What
number will bring about research funds and funds for
therapy and insurance reform regarding autism? Can
anyone give me the answer or do we have to wait for
hundreds of thousands of our future children, to be
born into a life of autism? We are all waiting for our
Omri H L Fiman


Well, we got the first thunderstorm of the season...and it was a least out here in Baden it was.

One second the kids are outside playing in the sun and literally the next second the wind is blowing like crazy and it's pouring. I was sitting on the couch and all of a sudden I hear Mia just someone torturing her...a blood curdling scream. I'm sure all you mothers out there know what I'm talking about! I go running and fling open the back door to see Tammy's trampoline FLYING through the air....I kid you not!!

This is Tammy's trampoline where it the school parking lot (on the right of the picture behind the little pine tree. It WAS above the little blue pool on the left hand side of the picture)

After the worst had passed, I went driving around to see what I could see. Found this just a couple streets up from us:

You can't really tell in the picture, but it's most of a HUGE pine tree broke off from the wind! On the other side, you can see that it barely missed the house and fence!!

These are just some pictures of the sky after the storm had passed. If it was this bad after, you can imagine what it was like during!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

100th Blog Entry and a Job?

So I have stuff to celebrate today!! Not big things, but still fun!!

This is my 100th Blog Entry on Catt's Little cool is that??? Yeah, I notice these things and usually no one else cares, but meh, what ya gonna do eh?

But here's the really exciting thing! I applied for a job as a School Bus Driver with Sharp Transportation. I got an email yesterday to come in and fill out an actual application and do the skills test, so I did that today while Syd was at preschool and Mia was at my grandparents' house!

I was told that it would take an hour and a half and I finished it in about 50 minutes. The lady that grades them wasn't there right then, but I was told that they would probably call me! How exciting. The test was weird. I had to show that I can write/understand English, that I can count, that I can read and that I can follow/give directions using a map. The map part was the hardest for me. I'm kinda worried that I might have failed that part...but we'll see.

I'm actually going to call Elliot Coach Lines, in Breslau too and apply with them also!!!

How scary is it to think that I might be driving your kids to school??

Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ipod Update...again

I got the return box for my Ipod Tuesday! I was very excited and packaged it up right away. Called Fedex on Wed morning, not realizing that they wouldn't come and get it the same day...oh well....they came and got it sometime after 330pm today. So hopefully by tomorrow afternoon, the smurf pod will be in the hands of Apple and they'll send me my new one!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Deadliest Catch

I'm sooooo excited..... Deadliest Catch's new season is starting today. I was starting to wonder if they had canceled the show.

I don't know why, but when I watch the show, I always think of Newfoundland and of Mom and Charly. I miss them so much.

Anyway...10pm EST there or well, be somewhere else...but I'm watching!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ipod Update

So Kinga gets there with my Ipod and they tell her no way it's got to be replaced. After she flips on them they say they'll replace it for $89 but I have to talk to the Apple Care line cause they don't have any instock. fine. I'm on the phone with Apple Care and they're telling me that they can't replace it.
The girl is being very nice and helpful, but I'm super super pi$$ed that they don't want to replace it after they said they would.

So after some screaming and yelling, they're gonna replace it for FREE!!! yay....

I have to send back mine and then they'll send out a new identical one.

I'm excited...except I realized that I had said that I had a 4GB one and really it's 8GB...I'm going to call and make sure they realize my booboo and still send me an 8GB one!

Friday, April 17, 2009

New Doctor

I'm very very excited to say that after being on the waitlist since August, we were picked up as new patients by a family practice in New Hamburg!

I got the forms yesterday and filled them out already, I just have to take them back on Monday and will be all set!!

Yay, I feel very lucky since it's so so hard to get a doc in Southern Ontario!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Poor Ipod

Well, it's clean at least!

I accidentally washed the ipod that Ryan got for me from the kids. It must've been in the pocket of my hoodie or jeans or something cause I did the laundry and when I was taking the clothes from the washer to the dryer, there's my ipod lying in the barrel of the machine. Boy was I ticked.

I panicked....I ran down stairs and put it on the dock and it works there, but as soon as I try to play it with headphones or just plugged in with the AUX cord in the van, it won't even come on. Almost seems like the battery is dead. But I had it plugged in charging all night so you would think if the battery was dead then it would have re-charged by then.

I was telling Kinga at group this morning and the first thing she said was that it's still wet inside. BUT, she's actually going to Toronto tomorrow, so she's going to take it to the Apple Store for me if I can get an appt. I'm just waiting for her to let me know which one she's going to be closest to so I can call and set it up!

I shall keep you updated and I'm so hoping that they can fix it...I'll be very very sad if it is ruined!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Syd's Going to CPRI

I don't know if I should jump for joy or be scared as hell. I just got the call from CPRI (London) that Sydney has an appointment on April 29.

She's going to the PDD Screening clinic. They're sending me a questionnaire that I have to fill out before hand too. I'm really nervous. I don't want her to be PDD, but I know that if she's diagnosed, she's more likely to get the help that she needs.

Argh....the joys of being a parent!!

I will let everyone know how it goes!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Some Tattoos!

Jason, my step brother, is a tattoo artist and I've had the privilege of watching him do some on my sister and cousins!

This is my little sister Charly

This is my cousin Jenn's back!

This is my step sister Rosie....those are her kids' names!


What the heck is up with that????


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Riding...week 1

Ethan started back to riding again yesterday. He's got a new horse again, Bonnie, and a new leader, Rowina.

It actually went really really well...I'm surprised he got on the horse without fighting me and he actually held the reins too!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sydney is 2!

I can't believe how quickly time flies. Seems like it was just a couple weeks ago that I was bigger then a house and Syd just would not come out. Now she's 2, going to preschool, finally learning how to talk.....she's a big girl...not a baby!

I'm sure the other mommy's reading my blog will understand what I say next. Her 2nd birthday is bittersweet. She's not a little baby more midnight feedings, no more nursing, and soon, no more diapers. On the other hand, there are NO MORE midnight feedings and NO MORE diapers. YAY!! I know I won't have another baby, so I struggle not to try to keep her baby longer then she needs to be. But it's hard. I'm gonna blink my eyes again and she'll be going to kindergarten, then highschool and then off to college. Heaven forbid I fall asleep...when I wake up, she'll be married with her own little baby.

Anyhow, here are some pictures of my sweet little girl.

Happy Birthday Sydney...I love you more then words could ever say!