Monday, September 5, 2011

Last Hurrah!

We decided to head up to Grand Bend this weekend so some end of summer swimming.  The weather and water were cold and the wind was really blowing, but we went in anyway!

Well, that's technically only a picture of Ryan and the three big ones, but Sydney and I went in too...well, I went in...Syd mostly played with rocks on the shore!

We had fun though, especially when the sun finally came back out.  I hope we can go up again next year when it's warmer...maybe Syd will even come in the water!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fresh From Garden

We planted a garden this year and we finally got something good from it!

You see, in May and June, we got so much rain that half of the plants and seeds drowned.  Then we got the heat wave, and the things that survived the rainy season, fried in the heat.  My cucumbers and peas never were any good.

I did get 2 nice cauliflowers! One I gave to my Grandma and the other one to Cindy.  I also have Kale, TONS of Kale.  We like it cooked slightly and mixed in with mashed potatoes and sausage in a Dutch food that I can't spell, but love to eat.  I have so much that I think I'm going to start blanching it and freezing it for the winter time.

I also have some broccoli still growing and some carrots that I think are still growing.

But today I got my first pepper!  It was just a little guy, but it tasted really good!

I will definately plant another garden next year, but I've learned from this year.  I won't plant nearly as much kale and more peppers.  I will NOT plant any lettuce.

Happy harvesting!