Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Garden 2009 - in June

I thought I'd post an update on our little garden. These pictures were taken yesterday. I think it's so neat to see things grow...especially the things you've planted from seeds (which I've never done before!)

My grandma used to butter bread and press it into chopped up chives for lunch!

All my little pea plants on the left hand side, peppers in the middle and lettuce on the right.

I've got 11 corn plants on the very right edge of the garden, kinda hard to see.

And that patch of dirt where there doesn't seem to be anything? That's where the carrots are planted, I just noticed this morning that there are actually little plants finally coming up!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sydney's Preschool Graduation

So though I think it's a little silly to have a graduation for preschool kids, I have to admit that they are very cute all dressed up with their little caps on. Syd won't be returning to the same school she was at this year, so I figured why not, and we went.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Mick!

Today would have been Mick's 56th birthday. I miss him...I can't even imagine how much my sister and his kids miss him. My mom seemed to be doing ok this morning when I talked to her.

My youngest step sister Sabrina designed this for him a little while ago. It's beautiful.