Friday, March 5, 2010

Visit With Moose!

This is the first chance I've gotten to post about my trip to visit my Sister and her new baby.

I won't bore everyone with ALL the pictures but there are some really cute ones, some nice ones and a few very special ones that I want to share!!

 Jessica in her carseat, looking cute as can be!

 This picture reminds me of Mr. Burns from the Simpsons

This is the stuffed Moose I bought for Jessica here in Ontario
and took it down with me in my backpack.
I love that they're the same size!

Charly and Jessica, both looking VERY cute.

Aunt Catt getting some newborn snuggles.

More newborn snuggles under the blanket I made for Jessica

Four Generations:
1) Great-Nanny and Great-Grandpa Layte - James Layte and Emma McKinnon
2) Grandma - Meta Pataky
3) Mommy - Charly Pataky
4) Baby - Jessica Pataky

Great Grandparents.  This is the only picture I have of Nanny and Grandpa

Happy little family!
Charly, Cordell and Jessica

Three Generations!
Mom, Charly, Me and Jessica
This may well be my only picture of me and my mom and sister.

I hope you guys enjoyed the pictures of my visit...these are sentimental another post, I'm going to have some funny ones too... but I want to leave you with this video.  Whenever I watch it, I can't help but laugh and I hope it does the same for you! Enjoy!


Thistle Cove Farm said...

What an AAAdorable cutie! Give him a hug for me, please and thanks.

Anonymous said...

its a girl!... her name is jessica!