I went out to Michaels and bought the little wooden box that will become, I hope, a family treasure that I will pass on to my kids and their kids too.
Ever since my kids were little they each had their own colour so I didn't mix their stuff up; Cody is green, Ethan is orange, Mia is purple and Sydney is pink. I decided to do their hand prints in "their colour." So while at Michaels, I loaded up on paint and stencils and varnish and paint brushes too. This varnish I bought is interesting too...but I'll get to that.
Finally Ethan's print is dry, now it's Mia's turn. Out comes the purple paint and we paint her hand too and put it on the box...not as good as the boys' but still good. We have to wait again...boy this is taking longer then I thought.
The hands are on and once it's dry I can stencil on the name of my box.
Now, the name of the box was another problem...I didn't know what to put...so I asked my wonderful friends at GranolaChicks.com what they though. Their choices were:
Most voted for Mom's Recipes, with Mom's Recipe Box coming in second. I also got some awesome suggestions: Our Recipes, Made With Love, and Our Recipes Made With Love (which was too long to fit). I finally decided to use Mom's Recipe Box.
Stenciling took FOREVER, but when it got done, it looked pretty good...especially considering that it was the first time I'd stenciled something like that.
Last but not least I had to varnish the box so that it wouldn't get ruined if it got wet. I was doing this during Ryan's birthday party and I'm sure people were wondering why I kept going outside in the cold. I did about 5 coats, letting it dry in between and it still wasn't getting shiney....I had no idea what was going on. Finally I realized that I bought matte finish varnish, so not matter how many times I sprayed it, it would never shine!!
I'm very happy with the way my little project turned out...people have had nice comments about it too.
that looks wonderful!!
What a sweet little recipe box, I love it. I might have to follow your example and make one with my kids.
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