Me and Sydney went to Newfoundland a few weeks ago to see Charly graduate from highschool. (There will be another entry about that). I gotta say it all went pretty well considering it was the first time I traveled alone with a baby and that it was the baby's first time away from her family!

Sydney got to sit in her carseat on the airplane. I think that was a real blessing so that she was buckled in and couldn't get up and run around. BUT carrying that darn seat onto and off of the plane is another story!! It's heavy and my hands were full. When I got off the plane in Deer Lake, my mom said I looked like a pack-mule!

I just love this picture of me and Sydney...took it myself on the plane!

I'm a dork....I took picture of the boarding passes too!
On the way to Mom's we stopped at Mary Brown's for some dinner....

these mooses got their antlers locked together and died that way!

We had to stop for gas in Badger, so I bought an ice cream too. This is the first time that Syd had a Hagen Daas icecream bar! I think she liked it!

So we were about half hour from Mom's house, when we got a call from CJ. He took a dive off Cordell's dirtbike and bunged himself up. We had to stop and get some peroxide for him.

Got his elbow pretty good, he said it looks like Freddy Kreuger got him.
His knee was gross too.

BUT the best part was when he got dressed to go to the clinic for stiches! Love the rubber boots!!

The weather was great while we were there so I took full advantage of the niceness and of mom's new bridge and sat outside and knitted.

Charly was kind enough to take Syd to the park for a bit so that I could get a break....As always, my little girl loves the swing!
This is Ace (King Sheppard) and DJ. They belong to Charly's

friends and they went to the park too.
Random horse on the side of the road in Campbellton!

When me and Charly and Cordell went to Grand Falls to look for clothes for them for graduation, we saw a couple mooses on the side of the road on the way home!!
We actually pulled over so I could take pictures!
So most of you already know the story...but I'm going to tell it anyway. When Detroit and Pittsburg were playing in the final game 7 of the playoffs, me and Charly made a bet. If Detroit won, I would buy Lobster for dinner when I was down there...if (when!!) Pittsburg won, Charly would buy! We all know that Pittsburg won, so here is my prize!!
Cordell was picking at them and this one got really mad....actually looks like he's trying to give us the finger!

Me and Mom and Sydney went to see Aunt Phenie too. I always love going to see her!

Me, Sydney, Charly and Cordell went to Twillingate too. Saw some icebergs.

This is just a little chunk that fell off of......this one. When it was fully revealed, it was 1200feet long and completely flat on top!

Another night we bought 25lbs of muscles for dinner. I swear I ate about 12lbs of them alone!! That's some good eats!!

Another random horse on the side of the road in Summerford. At least this one was tied up and we know who it belongs too. I joked with Sydney telling her it was a Newfie Lawnmower!

The first time Sydney had softserve at Kane's in Campbellton. Think she likes it!

Charly and Cordell found a bluejay that got hit by a truck on the road. They let it go and it probably died, but it was neat to see it up close like that.

Shipwreck in Embree.
Fancy house in Little Burnt Bay. He's got it all done up and there's a spot where you can park and go down and look around. Got all the different flags from the provinces too. It's really nice!

Charly and Cordell took Syd to the park too to give me another little was so cute seeing them all playing together!
Might as well get my hair cut while I'm there....Denise was awesome. Only $7 for the cut and she was QUICK!!



At one point Charly tried to get Sydney to lay down and have a nap with her. Syd was more interested in playing but Charly got some really cute pictures of her!

Fishing boats at the fish plant in Newstead!

The Newfoundland Spirit....owned by the Greenham family in Comfort Cove. This wharf is actually right beside Cordell's house!
Then it came time for us to come back to Ontario....Lewis (they'll be a post about him too) rode in the back with me and Sydney.

He started out in his carrier, then at one point he was sitting on her lap.

Then he moved to the back window and fell asleep there. That's where he spent most of the ride.

We stopped again at Mary Brown's for some lunch and Lewis took a nap outside in the grass.
I found the Newfie's were much more helpful when it came to getting me on the plane. That may just be because I was carrying a baby on my back, a puppy in my bag and a carseat full of stuff in my arms LOL. Seriously though, they were really nice!

Syd sat in her carseat again and got some yummy treats to occupy her!

Lewis in his carrier under the seat infront of me. He is in there, it's just really hard to tell cause the picture is dark!
And then we were home.