Today was one of the hardest days of my life. Today I started training The New Girl.
Training TNG has, and will at least for the rest of the week, meant having a person in my work truck with me all day, which means I can't listen to my podcasts or radio and I can't stop whenever I want. It means someone watching my every move and listening to every word. It means not being able to organize my deliveries and the parts the way I want in my work truck, because she's sitting in the other seat. Hardest of all, it means doing my damndest to be kind, friendly and helpful and not letting on that my brain is wired to automatically dislike and distrust anyone knew that comes into my life.
This past Friday was the last day that Mighty Mouse worked at my company. MM is the closest I've come to having a best friend in many many years. Add to it that I totally suck when it comes to things changing, and you've got the recipe for at least a week of miserableness for me.
I'm sure that starting a new job, having to meet a bunch of new people, and learning a crap-load of new things was scary and overwhelming for TNG too. I remember walking in the same door four years ago and going through the exact same thing. I don't envy her position at all.
For now, all I can do is keep on trying my hardest to be the trainer TNG needs and hope that she's a real quick learner so she doesn't have to stay with me for long!