Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I just wanted to share some more pictures of the newest little babies in the family.


Those are Ryan's hands by the way...there's no way I'm going to hold them in my hands.  Hamsters are mean, especially that little black one who seems to think that Ryan tastes quite good!
They do have to be taken out everyday so that they get used to us handling them, so I tried to pet their backs a little when Ryan had them out, but it's scary business!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcome Chip and Dale

We have some new family members (due to the demise of Mr Ernie)....I'd like to introduce Chip and Dale.

Dale is black and Chip is brown
They're Russian Hamsters who are about 8 weeks old.  They're brothers from the same litter.  Russian Hamster live to be an average of 2-3years old.

Since we has just bought a new cage for Ernie, we decided to give these two little guys lots of space and hooked the two hamster cages together.  Right now they're having fun exploring their new home and find a spot to snuggle down in.

The MegaCage!
They seem to really like the green tube between the two cages, and sometimes they just hang out there for a little while.

Dale hanging out in the connecting tube
I was fully expecting the two little guys to snuggle up and go for a nap when we got home, but they're spending more time apart in the separate cages then anything else!

Dale checking out the newer cage

Chip chillin' in the older cage
I can't wait to get to know these guys and play with them.  There will be more pictures to come!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Breakfast in Bed

My little girl is the sweetest kid I know.  I mean, my other kids are awesome too, but Syd, she just takes the cake.

I'm not feeling good, in fact, standing is almost too much for me right now. (For those of you not in the loop, I have pneumonia in the bottom of both lungs)  Sydney is home with me all day and she knows I'm sick so today she made me breakfast in bed!

That there gourmet breakfast is 1/2 a scone in each bowl and an inch of water in our glasses.  Not bad for a 3 year old and the best breakfast in bed ever!  What a sweetie!

Monday, November 1, 2010


There was much fun last night as 3 of the kids dressed up and went trick or treating.  Cody, unfortunately, was still too sick to go out, so he stayed home with mom.

Mia, Sydney and Ethan

Friday night we went to Junior Youthgroup at church and carved pumpkins.  Again, Cody wasn't there but we brought a pumpkin home for him to do later.  Here are the finished projects:

Sydney's Pumpkin

Mia's Pumpkin

Ethan's Pumpkin

Cody's Pumpkin

Overall it was a great night and the kids all had fun! We even saw some snow!